Today was a pretty slow day for me. I really didn't do any deep thinking, didn't really do anything. I started doing laundry, that is about it.
Time: Why do I waste it so much? This leads to the question what is a valuable use of my time? For the most part I don't know if there is an exactly better way to spend your time, other than measured by you. Like doing whatever makes you feel happy is a good way to spend your time. Argh I hate it when philosophical reasoning leads you no where, or right back where you started. The problem is that this is exactly what most thourough philosophical reasoning leads to. It makes it seem like our lives are built on very frail beliefs that only have importance because we give them meaning. I guess that is the nature of almost everything, it is only as important as we make it out ot be. What do I value?
Things I Value
Freinds: Freedom. That is what friends provide, social, emotional, and mental freedom, at least true friends should provide this. When I am around my friends I can completely let my guard down and be whatever I want. This makes me somewhat vulnerable, but also makes my life much less stressed. That is probably why I value loylty and hate betrayal so much, because of the amount of trust I put in my friends. Like when I am with my friends I feel invincible, becuause I know my friends have my back, and what ever happens we can get through it.
Reading: I love to read, but I am not comitted to it enough. I love the peace and quiet and how it allows you to expand your mind, and is a clear way to provide a certain type of knowlege. I would say reading people's thoughts are a very good way to get to know them. I am a big proponent of stream of conciousness writing, even though I have only done it once, and that didn't turn out so well. But still I would say reading someone's stream of conciousness is the best way to get an insight into how they think. Even better than discussions, because in discussions a person can gauge someone's reactions and change what they are saying or how they say it to envoke a better reaction.
Discussions: I personally prefer one on one discussions, for many reasons. Discussions are a great way to see how a person presents themself, and how they want to be seen. The problem is you really don't know how truthful a person is in a discussion. If what they say is who they truely are or who they want others to think they are. It is wonderful when you know someone well then observe them in a discussion and see who they want others to think they are. I admire people who are what they want others to see, I would like to think I am pretty close to that.
Caring: Both caring for and being cared for are the best feelings in the world. First semester I spent alot of time trying to figure out what true happiness is, and I decided it was selflessly helping others. The only way to really do this is to care for them. It is also the best feeling in the world to be loved by someone, especially unconditional love.
Movies: Movies allow us to experiences lives, and events that for the most part we will never experience ourselves. Movies provide a means to live vicariously through charcaters. Learn from their mistakes, enjoy their happiness, and see life through another set of eyes. This is why I love movies so much.
Interesting list. I like the random materialistic movies in there. Contradiction and hipocracy seems to surround us, I guess all we can do is try to keep it to a minimum.
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