Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Questions and My Answers

These questions are from my friend, Krysta's, Xanga.
These are my answers to these questions.

  • Why are we so overly impressed by and obsessed with objects and achievements of immense scale.....when it is actually the tiny little things that, when put together make big things possible?

People don't see the little parts beacuse it is easier and faster to notice the big thing. You have to stop and think about it to realize all the little parts, and people generally don't take the time to stop and think about it. In the fast paced world we live in, people don't take the time to stop and notice the little things. Also every thing is made out of smaller things, no matter what, even atoms are made out of other particles, and probably smaller things ad infinitum. So we can keep looking at the smaller things for all eternity.
  • Why do we try to create our own little worlds so we have the illusion of being completely in control of our entire existence when we know with absolute certainty that we are not?
Well how do we know there is a world outside our mind, and that everything we experience isn't imagined? If that were true we could potentially be in controll of our world, but just haven't figured it out yet. That aside, it is probably because it is easier to deal with things when you feel they are under your controll or under someone else's control. The less we have under our control the more is left to chaos or other's control, which most see as chaos anyways. With less being in our control the less our decisions matter, and if our decisions don't matter what is the point in making decisions.

  • Why do we go on and on about individuality being the very essence of who we are, and then accept a degrading level of conformity in virtually every facet of our lives?
Acceptance. Everyone wants to feel accepted and loved, and are willing to sacrifice to get that, how much they are willing to sacrifice depends on who they are. The line between conformity and compromise is a very thin line. People accept degrading levels of conformity though because they want to feel a part of something, even if that thing is wrong, degrading. It is better than being alone, what they don't realize though is that they never are truely alone, they just simply have yet to find those that share their view on the matter.

  • Why do we get so hung up on what we don't agree on, when in fact it's our differences that make life interesting?
People don't like seeing other point's of view because tit is a threat to theirs and poses that they might be wrong. Being wrong is seen as bad in society today. It is important to see the whole point of view of others, because it helps gain a deeper understanding of that person. Where is the line between getting hung up on something and discussing it alot? I enjoy arguing with people, and you can't argue with someone if they have the same point of view as you. So really it is better to disagree on somethings.

  • Why is it that when passions are inflamed we choose to argue and fight when dancing is less injuriuos, far more enjoyable, and equally effective in resolving the tension?
The previous question deals partly with this. Dancing may resolve the tension, but it doesn't really give you perspective on the person's veiw in the area you were agruing about. Dancing also requires a clear mind and relaxation to get into, it is kinda a catch 22 (note i need to read that)

  • Why do children believe in fairies, but "grown-ups" don't?"
Children aren't forced to believe anything, adults are if they expect to succeed in life. This trapping of their mind prevents them from believing.


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