Saturday, May 28, 2005

Chilloski Broski

Tonight was nice and chill. I went to my boy Garrett's house and played some pool, then went to Denny's and ate, then came home and smoked a cigar on the corner.

Why is the sky so beautiful? Like I have caught myself alot just looking at the sky and the horizon and wished I had a camera to take a picture of it. Tonight was a perfect example. I saw the moon tonight like red, and behind a cloud with orange clouds, it was hauntingly beautiful. I want to learn photography so I can caputer these moments.

Another moment today was when i was driving to the library during a light storm, the dark clouds were over head but further down the horizon the sky was breaking open and light. I kinda want to learn photography and carry a camera around with me so I can capture these moments, instead of just feabily trying to describe them. If I do this photography thing, I also want to develop my own photos. That is just me though.

My current pet project is to get a sweet record collection. Listening to music on vinyl just gives the music so much more character. When i saw High Fidelity and his apartment was filled with records my jaw dropped and I just wished I could have that. I also enjoy just being able to hold the music and work of the artist in my hand. Digital music is convenient, but tangible music is special.

Any suggestions for record stores in the Chiago area would be appreciated.


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