So I realized today I can really do anything I want to do if I just put my mind to it. I knew it before but I never really realized it until today. What sparked it today was during my lunch break I did weightlifting with a guy who holds the record for age 60-69 benchpress, and he told me I have the potential to persue it as far as I would like. I have never even visioned my self as a weightlifter, but the point is that this as a posibility shocked me into seeing that I can do anything I put my mind to. What really reinforced this idea was after weightlifing, which I was sore as hell after I did Tae Kwon Do. There I started slowly and really took onto it fast. The guy who was helping me said I should persue it more. The funny thing was that after Tae Kwon Do, I felt less sore than after weightlifting.
As an addendem I plan to try to visit the weightroom in the basement of my work as often as possible. I want to bulk up over my time here in Orlando mostly because I have little else to do, and I have the facilities. The weightlifter guy has me drinking protein shakes three times a day between meals to help supplement muscle growth. I felt huge after lifting, it was kinda cool, because I am always seen as a scrawny kid, which kinda bothers me. I would like to also continue Tae Kwon Do while I am here, because classes are free and at lunch and it is something that I think will help discipline me, and toghen me up. I am also going to do Yoga on Wednesdays, it is something I have always been secretly interested in, but never really had the drive to persue. Here it is just dropped in my lap.
Now on the artistic note. I got some sweet pictures today with my fully functioning camera today, it helps when I know what is going on with all the parts of the camera. I might even try doing some stuff blurry just for fun. I can't wait to get my first real role of film developed. I realized today I need to get a way to carry all my stuff around: the camera, the other lens, my headphones, Plalm Pilot, and the book I am reading. I am considering getting a satchel or man purse thing because it seems to be the only feasable way to carry stuff like this around. If anyone has any suggestions for ways to carry it I am all ears. The other artistic note is that I learned to play the piano part to my favorite Cure song Just Like Heaven. I am happy about that because I have been meaning to do that for a while.
Maybe true freedom is realizing you can do anything?
Ohh and I have decided that my favorite Simon and Garfunkel song is Wednesday Morning, 3 AM
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