So here there is no cable TV and I can't watch TV anyways because the kids watch their stuff, and my stuff isn't appropriate for them. So the only other real option which I do enjoy, is reading. Today I went to Barnes and Noble and dropped a thrity spot on solely books. The three books I purchased were The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide, Of Mice and Men, and 1984. I felt a little dumb since two of the books were in the High School summer reading section, but I think it is alright since I am reading these by myself and for my own enjoyment. I stil haven't finished the book I am reading, The Seven Mysteries of Life. I will continue to read it, but between other stuff. The problem with the Seven Mysteries is that it is hard to just sit and read it, so I read it in sections. I am not going to just read one book I think. I think I am going to work on all of them at the same time, select what book to read according to the mood I am in. I feel like a cheater reading Hitchhiker's after I already saw the movie, but I am determined to read the book. I have started it, it is quite good. Reading is essential to expanding your mind.
So I went to the mall today with the two kids to get my books. The mall is an interesting place, and my interesting I mean supersaturated with things to tease your senses. Being there with the kids made this fact overly obvious. They wanted to go to every pretty store. It is interesting the different social groups here, which were made quite blatant at the mall. There are three main groups here: the playas, the punks, and the preps. The weird thing is that there isn't much gray area between the groups, people mostly fit into one of the three. The social demographics of each locations are quite intrigueing.
Today I didn't go to work, I felt kinda bad about not going. When I woke up this morning my arms were killing me. I could hardly move them they were so sore. That is the biggest reason I stayed home. It was nice having peace and quiet for a while. I just sat around and read and did very little. I enjoyed it. I did miss jeans day at work today, and the guy who is training me was looking for me, I felt bad about it, but the weekend is here now. This will be my first weekend here in Orlando and I am curious as to how it will go. The kids will probably be all over me as usual. I hope it will get better the longer I stay here. I want to get a good amount of reading done, maybe half with through Of Mice and Men, and then the other stuff with it of course, and then maybe finish my first real roll of film and take it to get developed. I hope it turns out well, but it will at least teach me what I need to do next time I take pictures. I found a messenger bag here at the house to carry all my books around, along with my music and camera, and maybe some other stuff, we will see.
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