Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hello? Is There Anybody In There?

This addressed to all the people of the world. Is there really anybody inside of you, or are you that empty shell most of you appear to be? For some reason I have the terrible feeling that most people are just empty shells that have hardly any souls, or anything of offer the world, the term I am looking for is the spark of life, people today seem to lack that, or have attempted to manufacture an artificial spark. It is strange, the world we live in. I am not gonna say it was any better than it was before or worse than it was, because honestly I have no idea, I have only recently come into conciousness, which is better than I can say for most people. You probably have no idea what I am talking about, because it is do damn vague, but life can only be described in vagraties, because of the complexity. Like math the more complex the idea the more variables it requires.

I want someone to listen to my problems, and ask me how I am. I feel kinda like Kevin Spacey's character in American Beauty, like no one really cares how I feel and what my problems are. I don't think it is too much to ask. I am a very internal person and keep my feelings and thoughts to myself for the most part, partially because I don't want to burden people with them, and partially because I don't feel all that comfortable sharing them with just anyone.

The world that surrounds us is a deliverance and distraction from the pain that life is, without a mind numbing world at times, imagine how depressed the world would be. Think of all the fanatics out there, fanatics of anything, who need that thing to get them through the day, without that what would their lives be? Emptyness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I felt exactly like that coming out of high school. It seemed as though most people didn't care about others, let alone care about making a difference or impact on the world. Fortunately, for my sanity, I've met people since then who aren't as empty as that. I think that a lot of people are simply looking for hapiness and can't seem to find it, but in the process get distracted, lose sight of their goal, and get stuck with emptiness. The politics of socialization suck, facy-ness sucks, but given the right circumstances, people might surprise you, and that is always delightful. Hmm, I wonder if I'm talking about the same thing as you now, but either way, I find the philosophy of Badi intriguing.

1:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Like Kamran said, "people might surprise you, and that is always delightful". I suggest that you take chances and try to touch the souls of others. from your comments, I guess you are 19-21. It does not help if you always think that you are better than others. We have to like people, then we will be able to discover the beauty in them. Some definitelly have more that is worth discovering than others. My long experience taught me that we find little gems in the strangest places.

I felt exactly the same way when I was your age. I am not sure if I really share my inner thoughts with many, but I learned to harvest the joy of finding something in common with a total stranger. Sometimes you even find some wonerful surprises, but you have to be willing to explore, and that takes a lot of courage!

12:00 AM  
Blogger Badi... said...

Thanks anonymous, whoever you are, I really apprecaite the nice comments from random people, I do it myself sometimes.

12:03 AM  

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