Saturday, June 04, 2005

The Weekend Begins

Today was the first of 8 weekend days I will spend here in Orlando. It set the precedence, unfortunately. It began with the kids waking me up at around 9am, and then went to their Tae Kwon Do at 10. I had a nice chat with a lady who runs a particle accelerator, at Tae Kwon Do. After that I read, and read alot. I read one and a half chapters of 1984 then decided to move on to lighter material, and read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy throughout the rest of the day. I actually finished Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy today. I am very proud of myself. Luckily the book I bought has 5 other Douglas Adam Stories for me to read, all part of the Hitchhiker's saga.

The kids drove me half mad today. They wouldn't let me read and kept climbing all over me. They also we misbehaving at CompUSA. Oh well they are kids and I will just have to deal with it since I am a guest in their house. I have been trying to convince Ahmad to go see Lords of Dogtown with me tonight even thought I heard it was a crappy movie.

I ren a bit today with Ahmad at the park. It was freaking humid as all hell, because it just rained. Also we couldn't go around the park since some of it was closed for construction, that kinda annoyed me, but oh well. I will get over it.

Thoughtful Sidenote: So this character Zaphod in Hitchhiker's guide, acts totally on inpulse. It very strange to me beacuse he has considered thinking things through and decided against it because if he does he wouldn't act. The stuff he says makes you think he is extremely stupid or faking, or trying to make you think he is smarter than you.

The word of the day is asphyxiate. Here is what the dictionary defines asphyxia as: A condition in which an extreme decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the body accompanied by an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide leads to loss of consciousness or death. Asphyxia can be induced by choking, drowning, electric shock, injury, or the inhalation of toxic gases.
Fun stuff.

What ever happened to the concept of being the best whatever you can be? I know I don't have it applying to my life. I am going to say it died in the 80's when thirst for wealth took over.

Well today has been a long day. Sadly the days seem to go by faster when I am at work. I am looking forward to going back Moday, but tomorrow is Feast, it should be fun.


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